Dept's Mailing lists
This is a guide for adding updating and maintaining the departmental lists. We have the following departmental mailing lists:
- csall: All staff studnents and faculty of the department
- csfaculty: The department's faculty members
- csphd: PhD candidates of the department
- csmsc: Master students
- csresearch: All research students / colaborators
- csstaff: Secretarial and technical support personell
- cssupport: The Technical support team
- support: The same as cssupport
- undergrad: All undergraduates of the department
- csstudents: All the computer science students
In order to update those lists the following steps must be taken according to the situation:
A new user is just added to the system in an already existing group
Just run the makealiases script on the mailserver
A new user added in a new group
First edit the aliasgroups file and put the new group in the appropriate list group
Then run the makealiases script on the mailserver
A New list needs to be created
Edit the aliasgroups file and add the name of the new list along with the appropriate groups (NIS groups) in the form
newlistname : nis_group1 nis_group2 ...
Edit the /etc/aliases file and add an include line with the newly created list in the form:
newlistname: :include:/path/to/newlistname
Run the makealiases script
A user without a local account or email address needs to be added in a list
Go to manual directory under the mailaliases directory and add the user's
email address in the proper file ending it with a comma(,).
Run the makealiases script
nsc 11:28, 11 Μάïος 2005 (EEST)