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Types Available

The Department offers the capability to its users to work with three flavors of SQL-type Databases

  1. MySQL,
  2. Oracle, and
  3. MS SQL

How to get access to a database

In order for a user to be able to use a database, the user has to place a request on our Helpdesk application. The user should ask for three things.

  1. The type of the database (MySQL, Oracle, or MS_SQL)
  2. The Database name, and
  3. The preferred username to have access to the database

Note: Usually there is no need for more than one users to access the databases. In cases where there is a need for a user to modify the DB and another user to have only read permissions for the DB then a second username can be asked for.

In the case where the request for a database is placed by a student, then a faculty approval follow up is needed on the helpdesk.

Once the database is created an email will be sent to the person requested the DB containing the password information.

How to access your Database and how to use it


In order to access your newly created MySQL database you can go to [1] and select dbserver on the drop down menu. Enter the username and password in the appropriate boxes and start managing your DB The aforementioned URL is only accessible by the department's intranet. If you need to access your DB from home or any other network you can use the VPN connection to the department. Information on how to install and use the VPN can be found here